Monday, October 12, 2009

Horrible Attempt

This proves how horrible I am at drawing people that I don't want to mess up. If you ask me, she looks more like Katie Couric than herself.

Allie (Couric)

One of the main things I should have fixed before posting this would have been her mouth. It's too low in the picture. I think the left eye (right on paper) also should have been closer to the center. This picture looks very little like her because of those two details.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Miss You

This is a piece of art technically meant for someone that I won't be able to see for a while (after the new year IF I'M LUCKY) and I hope she sees this. It was also a test of my new tablet and Photoshop's image creation abilities. I've found I'm better at editing than creation in Photoshop (due to its lack of the ability to undo multiple steps). Anyway, no more on that. Click for the full size image.

Miss You

And before you ask; No. No, that text in the middle doesn't say anything.